So now the work continues (no, it doesn't start as watching blood sugars should already be a daily activity).
The difference is though that it comes with tiredness and morning sickness! This name is a LIE as it can and probably DOES occur throughout the day. My mom had morning sickness for 24 hrs each day. Luckily mine is not that bad. However, despite the morning sickness I had a fever AND gastro. Now this just MESSES with my blood sugar control! I never knew that I'd have these challenges, but I am (I'm sure God/Allah is just trying to teach me the patience I'm going to need lol). This led to hypos and dehydration and affected the way my sensor works (I actually just took a sensor break for 2 days as I just couldn't stand hearing 1 more beep!). I finally came to my logical senses and put in a new sensor (much to the happiness of my hubby and baby probably).
Last week I went to the endo for my Hba1c, then the gynae for my 1st scan (baby is 10mm and has a strong heart beat) and then went to the GP for my other symptoms. Now, if you've ever been pregnant you will know that there are very few companies that will explicitly state that their medical products are safe for use by pregnant women. That leaves me with the limited choices of Panado (ok, this did help with the fever) and apparently Immodium isn't too harmful either.
For morning sickness there are tablets available but if you want to try the natural route - try preggie pops. Lots of women, according to my GP, swear to the effectiveness of this (but just watch your blood sugars as it does raise them). I found them not to work, when I did try it out. Apparently making or drinking ginger tea is also effective (my hubby went out and got it for me and even found me the sugar free version but I've yet to try it).
I've learnt that every women is different and that pregnancy affects us all differently. I'm a type A personality and I find that not having control over so many things can be just FRIGHTENING! I guess it's another lesson I have to learn and I'm trying to get my head around it 1 day at a time.
But ultimately the most amazing experience was hearing and seeing that little heart beat. Nothing else beats it. I actually wasn't too excited when I saw it (I guess because of my friend's baby's heart that stopped beating) but I'm starting to realise that I just need to let this negativity go (hormones related I'm sure). My hubby and I have chats about my anxieties more regularly these days and it's amazing having a supportive and understanding partner (even the 1 who says 'No, you can't have chips because it's going to raise your blood sugars').