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Tuesday, 26 July 2011

The first trimester with type 1 diabetes

So now the work continues (no, it doesn't start as watching blood sugars should already be a daily activity).

The difference is though that it comes with tiredness and morning sickness! This name is a LIE as it can and probably DOES occur throughout the day. My mom had morning sickness for 24 hrs each day. Luckily mine is not that bad. However, despite the morning sickness I had a fever AND gastro. Now this just MESSES with my blood sugar control! I never knew that I'd have these challenges, but I am (I'm sure God/Allah is just trying to teach me the patience I'm going to need lol). This led to hypos and dehydration and affected the way my sensor works (I actually just took a sensor break for 2 days as I just couldn't stand hearing 1 more beep!). I finally came to my logical senses and put in a new sensor (much to the happiness of my hubby and baby probably).

Last week I went to the endo for my Hba1c, then the gynae for my 1st scan (baby is 10mm and has a strong heart beat) and then went to the GP for my other symptoms. Now, if you've ever been pregnant you will know that there are very few companies that will explicitly state that their medical products are safe for use by pregnant women. That leaves me with the limited choices of Panado (ok, this did help with the fever) and apparently Immodium isn't too harmful either.

For morning sickness there are tablets available but if you want to try the natural route - try preggie pops. Lots of women, according to my GP, swear to the effectiveness of this (but just watch your blood sugars as it does raise them). I found them not to work, when I did try it out. Apparently making or drinking ginger tea is also effective (my hubby went out and got it for me and even found me the sugar free version but I've yet to try it).

I've learnt that every women is different and that pregnancy affects us all differently. I'm a type A personality and I find that not having control over so many things can be just FRIGHTENING! I guess it's another lesson I have to learn and I'm trying to get my head around it 1 day at a time.

But ultimately the most amazing experience was hearing and seeing that little heart beat. Nothing else beats it. I actually wasn't too excited when I saw it (I guess because of my friend's baby's heart that stopped beating) but I'm starting to realise that I just need to let this negativity go (hormones related I'm sure). My hubby and I have chats about my anxieties more regularly these days and it's amazing having a supportive and understanding partner (even the 1 who says 'No, you can't have chips because it's going to raise your blood sugars').

Monday, 25 July 2011

A positive pregnancy test for a type 1 diabetic :)

I thought that I'd be blogging more regularly but I'm just sooooo TIRED! Apparently it's one of the signs in the first few weeks of pregnancy but boy do I wish that I could rather stay in bed all day! Alas, I need to get out of my pjs and come to work (medical aid doesn't pay for itself).

My husband was teasing me for the whole week telling me that my period is late, but I didn't want to get my hopes up only to be disappointed. My friend teased me as well so when I did the test and saw 2 lines I was really HAPPY :) Although now that happiness is mixed with some anxiety (but this is probably linked to the HORMONES that is wreaking havoc on my blood sugars).

I know that I'm a competent and intelligent women that takes care of her diabetes BUT I just wonder what would happen if I go low with a baby around? It seems that my hormones just makes my anxieties seem much worse than they are. I chat to my husband about it often and his advice is for me to recognise the thought, decide what to do with it and then move on. He also told me that this sounds like new age nonsense but I've proven that I can look after myself (yes, I have had some rather serious episodes but my pump and sensors make my life so much easier). So no matter what I feel, I have a loving and supportive family and I am and will be able to deal with whatever life throws at me. In my emotional turmoil it sometimes sounds too unbelievable but I know that he is true. He is also true about this - there are only 2 things: 1 which I can control and the others that I can't. For the ones I can't control I should have faith and for all the others I should do everything I can (with help of course).

My pump is just beeping with an 8.8 reading, time to give 1 more unit and just let this one go. Yes, it has been in the 8 region for the passed 2 hours but I'm doing what I can about it, now it's just time to not stress as stressing raises my blood sugar. Also time to consider just having fish and salad for supper. Ah such is becoming life. I'm not stressing about it though because my 1st month Hba1c test was 6.1 so I shouldn't be too worried. It's only (based on what my husband has read) if my Hba1c gets to 10 that there is risk to the foetus.

Shoo, now to think positively, make the necessary changes (daily or hourly as required), breathe deeply and believe (like my hubby does) that everything will be ok and if it isn't - we'll manage that as well.

Wednesday, 13 July 2011

Pregnancy and type 1 diabetes - Preparing for pregnancy

So I guess by typing this I'm putting word out there that I'm pregnant :) Approximately 6 weeks by the time I type this.

This is despite the 'old custom' of waiting to tell people for 3 months after finding out. I suppose it's safer as most miscarriages happen during the 1st trimester but if I can help someone else I'd rather be spilling the beans early lol

I've starting reading maternity books way in advance and chatted to my endo and gynae when my husband and I decided that now was the time to start a family (good bye happy money lol). Also also had the opportunity at this early stage to discuss concerns and the effect of my diabetes on the foetus.

Here's what I've learnt:
  • Even though I will be classified as a 'high risk' pregnancy I'm at no greater risk IF I ensure that my blood sugars are within an acceptable range
  • Hba1c results before trying to conceive should be in the 6 range and should be taken at least every 3 months
  • Even though I have diabetes I do not have to test my baby's blood glucose often (I was concerned about this). They will do the test at the hospital.
  • I do not necessarily have to have a C-section unless I have complications, but I can discuss this with my gynae
  • My baby is less at risk than my brother's (who also has type 1 diabetes) baby of having type 1 diabetes (as he would be the carrier in this instance)

Breathing a SIGH OF RELIEF and hearing that many of the other women I know that also have type 1 diabetes have all had healthy pregnancies and babies. So this keeps me hopeful, despite having an experience of a type 1 diabetic who's pregnancy did not go well at all. Let's not dwell on this negative for long.

So these are the actions I've taken:
  • I ensured that I upgrade my pump to get a sensor (so that I could obtain my glucose reading every 5 minutes and spot trends)
  • I went for my Hba1c tests (ok maybe not every 3 months) but I was closely tracking my trends monthly
  • My Hba1c result was 6.0 by the time I fell pregnant
Now just to deal with PREGNANCY - mmmmmm I was always well controlled and I take special care to ensure that my blood sugars don't go crazy! Ok fine, I don't also go exercising as regularly as I should and I could do with less carbs, but I'm  not perfect but I do TRY! I've found that it's harder to control my blood sugars now but I'll cover my game plan in my next post (it's the HORMONES I tell you lol).