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Wednesday, 6 March 2013

Breast feeding and type 1 diabetes

I discussed breast feeding with Prof Bonnici before I was even pregnant. He advised that I breast feed exclusively for 6 months because even though it's not proven to be more effective, it wouldn't hurt doing it anyway. So I took 6 months off work to do just that and had light (or something) put on my nipples to harden them so that they wouldn't hurt. I also used some nipple cream to assist, if you have it available then why not :)

My blood sugar went low after I started breast feeding and I went hypo quite often. So to prevent this I had to snack or drink juice before and during feeding. Granted I should have done this all the time but when your child wants to drink, it's tough prioritising yourself!

My daughter has just turned 1 and I still breast feed. I figure that if the recommended age of breast feeding is until 2, I should do it for as long as possible. Granted, it's not always the easiest. My daughter doesn't drink milk from a bottle because she wants it directly from the source! Sometimes I feel like a cow....but it's great for bonding so I get over the cow feeling very quickly. I do however make sure that I sing that Old McDonald had a cow first lol

When I returned to work, I expressed for months but since my daughter didn't want to drink it from the bottle I used it for her cereal instead. She would drink rooibos tea and water while waiting for me to come from work and then it was 'nenni' time. Actually 'nenni' was her first word, so you can see her priorities lol

Now I had to learn to prioritise myself and my eating/drinking. This is easier said than done as your body releasing adrenaline when your baby cries so that you can get up and do something about it. However, having diabetes means that I have to fight against the urge to do that and eat first. I can't lie and say that this always happens or that it happens sometimes. Actually my instinct takes over most of the time. My husband is very concerned about this as he keeps reminding me that I can't take care of her if I'm hypo or in a coma! Yes, I know this logically but instinct wins over LOGIC! I have to learn to compromise and find middle ground though.....Also I have to learn that it's ok for her to cry for a few minutes while I go get some juice.

Breast feeding has multiple benefits, not only if your baby is at higher risk for diabetes. I find it easier and fed her wherever I went, with the help of a feeding bib. It was made by my mom in law but you can buy them at baby city. It's a cover so that you aren't exposed but you don't have to go find somewhere private. Plus it burns calories and I was back to my pre-pregnancy weight within a month :)

I'd advise all mothers, with diabetes and without, to breast feed. It's natural, contains all your baby needs and is excellent for bonding. My daughter is still a mommy's girl because of it and I'm enjoying it while it lasts :)