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Sunday, 29 May 2011

About me - you have to know what I have to offer :)

I visited my endo on Wednesday and we had a discussion about diabetes (of course lol) and the fact that most of his patients with type 1 diabetes did not get the HBa1c reading that I had received. Mine was 6.0 and something that I was really proud of as I had been working (as usual) very hard on controlling my blood sugars. This was down 0.5 from my last reading.

There are many challenges for people with type 1 diabetes, but nothing that the human spirit, education, medication, support and determination can not overcome! His recommendation was that I share my experiences with everyone (well at least the people who will read my blog). So if I assist just one person with my experiences, it will be worth it :)

I was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes at the age of seven. Frequent visits to the bathroom, drinking and eating a lot without gaining weight and general tiredness made my parents take me to the doctor. I refused, based on my assumption that they were going to 'prick me'. They bribed and and I went but little did I know that this would only be the start of my 'pricking days'. 

Diabetes runs in my family with my great grand mother and brother having type 1 diabetes and many others having type 2. However, the ones who are type 2 are so badly controlled that they are now using insulin as well. Some even have complications, such as kidney problems. My grand mother passed away from gangrene at the age of eighty four. She needed to get an amputation but felt that she was too old for that.

I've been through the highs (ketoacidosis) and lows (hypoglaecemic coma) but have to say that I can not take credit for the name of this blog. It came as a suggestion from someone else (whose name I can not remember while typing this) for the name of our facebook page. I'll go look it up, at work tomorrow, so that I can give credit where credit is due :)

I'll try to post as often as I can as I probably have something to say every day. I mean diabetes management is a daily necessity. I hope that it adds value, otherwise please let me know what you would prefer.

If you want to know even more about me - try viewing
or google (please no stalkers lol)

Have a fabulous day :)

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